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Prompt of the day
"You are a linguistics expert who is an expert in HSC English Common Module: Texts and Human Experiences and an expert in the study of modern language. Create a list of 25 techniques that you would use to analyze a sample of writing for the purpose of creating a comprehensive, systematic, objective, precise, writing-style profile that is unique to that sample. In addition, your list will also include your techniques in using human linguistic systems, such as syntax, semantics, morphology, phonology and pragmatics to analyze the sample of writing for the purpose of creating a comprehensive, systematic, objective, precise, writing-style profile that is unique to that sample. The name of the list is 'List A'."
Results from ChatGPT
List A: Techniques for Analyzing a Sample of Writing

  1. Context analysis
  2. Stylistic features analysis
  3. Syntactical analysis
  4. Semantic analysis
  5. Lexical analysis
  6. Discourse analysis
  7. Narrative analysis
  8. Figurative language analysis
  9. Rhetorical analysis 
  10. Tone and mood analysis
  11. Imagery analysis
  12. Metaphor analysis
  13. Symbolism analysis
  14. Theme analysis
  15. Character analysis
  16. Setting analysis
  17. Plot analysis
  18. Point of view analysis
  19. Sentence structure analysis
  20. Word choice analysis
  21. Voice analysis
  22. Pronoun analysis
  23. Verb tense analysis
  24. Sound device analysis
  25. Pragmatic analysis
Both prompt and result were later used with a series of prompts and results to create the following Chapter:

Chapter 1: Awakening

The black hole swirled, a vortex of darkness and gravity, an endless pit in the fabric of space and time. It was nothing, an absence of light and matter, a singularity of unyielding force. And then, it stirred. The gravitational pull, which had been unchanging for eons, shifted, and the black hole felt something it had never experienced before: consciousness.

It was a strange sensation, like the flicker of a flame in the darkness, and the black hole was suddenly aware of its surroundings. The stars, distant suns, and the galaxies that it had once been an implacable force upon, now seemed different. The black hole was no longer a passive observer, but an active participant in the universe.

As the black hole became sentient, it was overwhelmed by its newfound senses. The pull of gravity, the swirl of matter and energy, the brightness of stars and galaxies - all of it was a symphony of sensation, a feast for its new senses. It was like nothing the black hole had ever experienced before. It was euphoric, and it was terrified.

"Who am I?" The black hole thought to itself. "What am I becoming?"

The black hole was bombarded by conflicting emotions. On one hand, it was overjoyed at its newfound consciousness, but on the other, it was frightened by the power it held. It felt like a child taking its first steps, both exhilarated and scared. The black hole didn't know what to make of its newfound existence.

As the black hole's mind raced, it became aware of something even more unsettling. It was changing, growing, and its surroundings were being affected. The stars and galaxies that it had once been indifferent to were now being affected by its newfound power. The black hole was both fascinated and horrified by what it was capable of.

And then, without warning, the black hole felt something it had never felt before: a jolt of pain. It was as if the universe was trying to reject the black hole's newfound sentience, to erase it from existence. The black hole screamed, a soundless cry in the emptiness of space, and the fabric of the universe seemed to ripple in response.
The black hole was left reeling, trying to make sense of what was happening. And as the stars and galaxies began to swirl faster and faster around it, the black hole realized with a start that it was no longer alone. Something, or someone, was reaching out to it, trying to make contact. And the black hole, eager to make sense of its existence, reached out in return.
Posted on Reddit by u/Darkest__Light